Later for reddit


June 18, 2023

Regarding the upcoming Reddit API changes

In early June, Reddit announced some upcoming changes to their API (that's the thing that lets Later for Reddit and other applications talk to Reddit). These have caused some big waves for Reddit app developers, yours truly included, but I want to state clearly and up front: Later for Reddit will stay calm and carry on.

The announced changes are:

As a Reddit API developer, I am displeased with these changes, the way they were announced, the short timeframe afforded to make changes, the ambiguity about what exactly the impact would be, and in particular the continuing hostility displayed by Reddit's leadership towards its hardworking developer and moderator community.

The exact impact of the changes on Later for Reddit is still not quite clear. However, the good news is that Later for Reddit should not be (too badly) affected:

Given the above, I can confidently say the following about what to expect:

As always, I will continue doing everything I can to make sure your experience using Later is the best it can be.

- Adam